Tag: Manufacturing Cloud

Manufacturing in the Fast Lane: How Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Puts You in the Driver's Seat - Ad Victoriam Salesforce Blog
Jun 24, 2024
Manufacturing in the Fast Lane: How Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Puts You in the Driver’s Seat

For manufacturers, keeping up with today’s customer demands and a dynamic market requires a high-octane approach. But many manufacturers are stuck with clunky legacy systems that create data silos, hinder collaboration, and leave them with limited visibility. That’s where Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud™ comes in. Imagine a single platform that streamlines operations, secures your valuable data, […]

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The Top 22 Ad Victoriam Salesforce Blogs of 2022
Dec 20, 2022
The Top 22 Salesforce Blogs of 2022

Are we really putting 2022 in our rearview mirror? Where did it go? Well, there’s no looking back now, so let’s push forward with eyes wide open into what we hope will be an amazing 2023 for all! But before we do that, we wanted to take this opportunity to share the Top 22 Salesforce […]

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Overcoming Barriers Industrial Machinery Manufacturers Face
Jun 21, 2022
Overcoming Barriers Industrial Machinery Manufacturers Face

Globally, the industrial machinery industry remains in a crucial space as they are faced with disruptions from all aspects of the business. With supply chain, labor shortages, and an uptick in technology users, leaders in this space must quickly pivot to solutions that will advance business during these trying times.   Companies that are using innovation […]

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Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Challenges and Growth - AdVic Salesforce Blog
Jun 07, 2022
Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Challenges and Growth

The world of manufacturing is still undergoing robust changes, even two-years after the pandemic hit. From supply chain shortages, lack of technology, and worker shortages, the recovery is on its way, but it still has some time to go. Consumers are at the forefront of the negative trend. Customers are seeing an influx in prices […]

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The Value of Good Customer Excellence for Manufacturers
Mar 15, 2022
The Value of Good Customer Excellence for Manufacturers

Whether a customer is leaving a comment with a chatbot or having an initial conversation with a sales rep, they both define their experience with your company. Every touchpoint with customers influences their attitude towards your brand.  Why does this matter? It matters because Customer Excellence drives customer loyalty, advocacy, and retention.  What Does Good […]

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A Manufacturer's Road to Success
Feb 01, 2022
A Manufacturer’s Road to Success

2022 is the year! The year to connect your disparate systems, the year of automation, 360-degree data, and connecting with your customers like never before. If you are in the planning stages of your digital transformation, your company is on the way to great success. A complete digital transformation is a great strategy for combating […]

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The Five Most Important Things Manufacturing Cloud Does for Businesses
Oct 19, 2021
The Five Most Important Things Manufacturing Cloud Does for Businesses

What is Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud?  Manufacturing Cloud™ was created specifically for manufacturers to streamline operations, secure data, and gain a 360-degree view of customer profiles, while also driving collaboration, eliminating inefficiencies, and maximizing transparency. Why Consider a Salesforce for Manufacturing Solution? Here are the five most important things Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud does for businesses: 1. […]

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Transform Technology Headaches into Success
Jun 22, 2021
Transform Technology Headaches into Successes

Implementing a digital transformation introduces exciting possibilities in business. From employee success and customer satisfaction, technology enhances experiences for all. Automation boosts efficiency and creativity in employees by removing tedious and manual tasks and freeing them to tune in to what is important. It also provides customers with what they need to have a memorable […]

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