Tag: Retailers

How B2B Companies Provide a D2C Experience - Ad Victoriam Salesforce Blog
Apr 24, 2023
How B2B Companies Can Provide a D2C Experience

In today’s ever-changing digital age, customers are more empowered than ever before. They have access to a wealth of information and can make informed decisions about their purchases. This shift in consumer behavior has led to the rise of Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) companies that sell directly to consumers without involving any middlemen. While D2C companies have […]

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Storytelling with Data - AdVicoriam Solutions Salesforce Blog
Apr 05, 2022
Storytelling with Data

Data is more than a trending topic. Today, data drives business solutions and tells a story about what is happening in your business. Whether manufacturers are using data to pinpoint defects or downtime in their machines, retailers are analyzing their new loyalty programs, or a healthcare provider is monitoring patient engagement, data tells a story. […]

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Data, Precise Targeting Propels Retail Sales
May 25, 2021
Data, Precise Targeting Propels Retail Sales

New standards require distributors to progress or sink in the competitive retail industry. For modern retail distributors, victory is to defeat challenges by finding new ways to run businesses efficiently. It is essential for distributors to have software that allows their operations to grow and remain strong in the face of change.  More frequently, retailers […]

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Consider These Retail Sales Enhancers
Apr 13, 2021
Consider These Retail Sales Enhancers

The world of retail has changed dramatically for retailers and their shoppers.. In years gone by, retailers have been famous for having anonymous, transactional relationships with their shoppers, but now both retailers and their consumers are demanding deeper relationships with each other. And if retailers want to win today, they have to empower their consumers, […]

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Income-Generating API Strategies for Retailers
Sep 29, 2020
Income-Generating API Strategies for Retailers

Now more than ever, customers are integrating the retail brands they love into their everyday lives. And they are doing it through mobile, web, social, app, and in-person interactions with retailers. So, what’s happening behind the scenes in each of these interactions? APIs (application programming interfaces) are… And that’s why it’s increasingly critical for innovative […]

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